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Disparities in Safety and Health
Disparities in Safety and Health
How can we build safe and supportive communities for boys and young men of color?

By 2025, Tacoma is—and is known as—one of the safest cities in Washington State. Strong partnerships between law enforcement, neighborhood groups, and public officials have reduced crime rates and recidivism, making Tacoma residents feel safe and secure. Community cohesion is improved and sustained through proactive prevention programs and youth outreach. Tacoma also boasts high rates of personal, communal, and environmental health. All of this has improved overall health and reduced health disparities.

By 2025, Tacoma is a safe city with healthy residents that has eliminated the underlying disparities in safety and health that impact underrepresented communities. These disparities exist because many communities of color have experienced a long-history of trauma through institutional and systemic racism. This history of discrimination has resulted in disparities in access to employment, housing, education, and other opportunities that communities need for their safety, health, and well-being. The legacy of this discrimination has disproportionately impacted young men of color and particularly Black men.

* Black residents are three times more likely not to feel safe
* 44 percent of Black students reported feeling unsafe at school
* 62 percent of homicides or Tacoma residents under 25 are persons of color

The Office of Equity and Human Rights (OEHR) is working to address these disparities.

Idea Collaboration by  MindMixer